Compliance guidelines

[ Guidelines for business activities ]

Compliance with antimonopoly laws

We will not engage in private monopolies, unfair trade restrictions, or unfair trading methods.

Compliance with laws and regulations

We will confirm and understand the laws and regulations related to the business we are responsible for, and will not engage in any acts that violate the laws and regulations.

Information management

Our confidential information, such as customer information and know-how, is our property, and we must pay close attention to maintaining its confidentiality. The same applies to confidential information of third parties that we receive.

Environmental conservation

We will comply with the environmental laws and regulations of each country and region, and will give due consideration to protecting the global environment.

Respect and conservation of intellectual property

We will not infringe on the intellectual property held by others. In addition, we will recognize that the intellectual property held by our company is a valuable asset, and will strive to preserve it and make effective use of it.

Sales activities overseas

When conducting business with overseas parties, we will understand and comply with import and export laws and the laws and regulations of the relevant country.

[ Guidelines for business people ]

Dealing with antisocial forces

We will take a firm stance against antisocial forces and will not engage in any transactions with them.

Prohibition of bribery

Not only will we never engage in any acts that constitute bribery or are suspected of being bribery, but in principle we will also prohibit the giving of gifts or entertainment to public officials.

[ Guidelines for maintaining a pleasant workplace ]

Respect for human rights

We will respect human rights and will not discriminate, harass, or treat anyone in any other manner that is unfair.

Prohibition of sexual harassment

We will not engage in any acts that adversely affect the work environment, such as making others feel uncomfortable through sexual remarks or actions in the workplace.

Prohibition of power harassment

We will not use our authority to violate the personality and dignity of employees beyond the scope of our proper duties, or to worsen the working environment or cause employment anxiety.
